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Author Guarantor: Thomas Andrei
Last updated: 28 January 2021

About SwissGames

As an initiative to promote the SwissGamese cluster at home and abroad, SwissGames organizes or supports the Swiss participation in more than 20 events each year. One of the main purposes is to help Swiss developers gain visibility, build relationships with the international gaming industry, and access global markets.

They visited Gamescom, GDC, Nordic Game Conference, and Game Connection America and Europe. SwissGames also organizes smaller delegations to events like the BIG Festival in Sao Paulo or the Nasscom Game Developers Conference in Hyderabad.

In addition, SwissGames also supports Swiss events such as festivals, conferences, game jams with the desire to promote the Swiss game scene.

Initiated by the Swiss Art Council Pro Helvetia, SwissGames has partnered with partners such as the Swiss Game Developers Association, the Swiss Chapter of the International Game Developers Association, Swissnex San Francisco, Ludicious – Zurich Game Festival, Zurich University of the Arts, HEAD-Geneva, ECAL, and ETH Zurich.