Yendrembaam Heroojit
Last updated: 05 August 2022

What Is “Betting Behind” in Blackjack? Let's discover the exciting concept of "Betting Behind" in blackjack! When all the seats are taken at a table, you don't have to miss out on the action. With this feature, you can place bets on other players' hands and join the game virtually.

Learn how Betting Behind works and the advantages it offers. Find out more in our article and take your blackjack experience to the next level!

What Is “Betting Behind” in Blackjack?

What Is “Betting Behind” in Blackjack?
Bet Behind Blackjack (Source: Freepik)

Most live blackjack tables have seven seats available, with players from around the world vying for them. So, if you're unlucky enough to lose out, don't panic; betting behind gets you into the game.

Betting behind blackjack tables allows you to bet on each player's hand while waiting for a vacant spot. This unique function allows you to play blackjack while waiting for a place at the table, and it has several benefits. Via betting behind, you can gamble on any of the players at the table and participate in the game vicariously.

One thing to notice about betting behind is that you can't influence the player you bet on's choices. So you're stuck with their pick if they do something stupid, like dividing tens, maybe. However, if you bet on a skilled player, it might be a good route for you to pursue.

Therefore, the essential thing to utilize this strategy effectively is that you need to choose the right players to trust and bet on. Once you have selected someone to apply betting behind, you have no choice but to follow their progress and pray for them to win the game. So, look to the most experienced and well-versed players in blackjack to improve your odds of winning your betting behind wager.

What Are the Benefits of Betting Behind in Blackjack? 

With that said, betting behind can bring tangible benefits to players and keep them entertained when all the seats are filled. Below, we will list the main advantages of this unique strategy.

Huge Payout Potential

Betting behind works like a type of betting in blackjack, so it can help players win potentially big payouts. However, this depends on whether the seated player you choose to believe in actually wins the game. If you choose the right people to bet, you can easily increase your bankroll without touching the cards.

However, what if everyone bets on the best player on the table and wins? Casino operators simply won't let that happen. Typically, each seated player is only allowed a maximum of 3 waiting players to bet on them in the form of betting behind, and this number can vary depending on the casino you are playing at.

So, to get the most out of this strategy, you need to quickly identify who is the most skilled on the table and lock your picks on them. If you are late and only players with poor skills are left, betting behind will backfire and cause you to lose more. In this case, the best advice is to simply watch the game or choose another game to pass the time.

No Waiting for a Seat

This is the most significant advantage that betting behind gives you. In the meantime, while waiting for an accessible seat, you can still participate indirectly in the game through this betting strategy. Although its outcome does not depend on you, at least you will still find a thrill when watching other gamblers play.

Lower Stakes 

Typically, betting behind allows you to wager with a lower minimum than those directly sitting at the table. In addition, this strategy may not require extra wagers if the player of your choice decides to split or double.

Back Hot Players

As we mentioned before, if you select players with high skill, you will likely win your betting behind the bet. That can be seen as the easiest way to make money from blackjack, as you don't have to beat the opponents directly. Instead, choosing the “hot” players to follow may seem much easier.

Excellent Stats

How do you quickly identify the best players to follow? Fortunately, advanced technologies have emerged to assist you. The finest blackjack sites give reliable statistical information about players to determine if you want to gamble on them, including who is on the best winning streak.

More Chances to Win 

Instead of focusing on just one game of blackjack with a single chance of winning, betting behind allows you to win from multiple tables at once. More specifically, you can enter a game directly and place a bet and another player's hand on a different table simultaneously. That will give you more chances to make money from blackjack.

What Are the Cons of Betting Behind in Blackjack? 

Besides the positives, this blackjack strategy has some cons you cannot control. That makes sense when, in essence, betting behind is a strategy where you have to depend on other players. Therefore, before using this strategy, you need to understand its risks.

What Are the Cons of Betting Behind in Blackjack? 
Blackjack Cards (Source: Freepik)

House Edge May Be Worse

Relying on other players can be a double-edged sword: in the worst-case scenario, you won't be able to do anything if the seated player doesn't do what you think they should, and they lose the game. You will feel even worse if you have deep blackjack knowledge, and the player you bet on is not, and they would have won the bet if they did what you think. 

Lack of Control

This disadvantage is consistent with the nature of betting behind. You will not be able to control your odds of winning, as the decision is in the hands of another player. Therefore, you can only hope that they will be intelligent and determined enough to make the best decision concerning their hand.

Lose More 

You can win twice as fast if things go well by betting behind. But, on an unlucky day, you will lose twice as fast when using this same strategy.

Read more: What Is Buster Blackjack?

Can Players Get To Choose Whether, To Split, Double Down, Or Surrender?

When it comes to playing Betting Behind in blackjack, here's what you need to know about split, double down, and surrender options:

  • Surrender: If the seated player decides to surrender, the players betting behind will lose half of their stake, just like in regular play.
  • Double Down: The rules regarding doubling down may vary. In some cases, the controlling player must raise their bet, and the bettors behind them might have to do the same. However, in certain casinos, the behind bettors can choose whether or not to match the controlling player's bet.
  • Splitting: Different casinos have different rules for splitting. Some allow players to choose which hand they want to play, while others automatically assign the first hand made from the split pair. Most online casinos follow the automatic assignment rule.

It's important to note that not all casinos offer the Betting Behind feature, and the specific rules may vary. Here are some general points to keep in mind:

  • Betting Behind availability: Not all casinos, including live dealer ones, provide the Betting Behind option. Those that do may have specific rules regarding who can bet behind and how many players can participate.
  • Player options: Some casinos may only allow unseated players to bet behind, while others permit both unseated and seated players to bet behind others.
  • Adjusting settings: In most live dealer casinos, you can choose whether or not to match the controlling player's bet on a case-by-case basis. However, certain online casinos may have restrictions or require the player behind to increase their bet.

Remember, the rules for Betting Behind can vary, so it's essential to familiarize yourself with the specific regulations of the casino you're playing at to make informed decisions.

Some Tips and Strategies to Help You Get Started With Bet Behind  

To be honest, there aren't many golden rules for effective betting behind. It's basically a game of luck, and all you have to do is hope that you select the right player to bet on.

Some Tips and Strategies to Help You Get Started With Bet Behind  
A deck of cards (Source: Freepik)

Follow the Appropriate Players

This is apparently the first factor to consider. If you gamble on a newbie to blackjack or someone who uses dubious techniques, things are unlikely to go your way. On the other hand, betting behind on the most skillful player can result in you winning the game easily. 

You can tell how well a player is performing by looking at their individual metrics, which can help you determine whether or not they are "hot players."

Show Some Restraint

In reality, your staking strategy when betting behind should be the same as your usual play at the table. If you stake too much on a player and they do something insane, your bankroll will be destroyed in an unneeded way.

Similarly, many people are attracted to wager less while playing this strategy. That's understandable if you don't trust the player you're following, but don't forget that value bets may be placed whether you're in the table or not, and they are actually the wagers that allow huge potential payouts for you. 


And that is all you need to know about betting behind in blackjack. In addition, if you have any questions about strategies and in-depth terminology in the world of online gambling, you can consult our website. Our dedicated experts are available at all times to answer all of your academic questions.

Published: 05 August 2022 17:54