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Gambling Laws in Belgium in 2021

In Belgium, there are many types of gambling that are available in both digital form and traditional form. In this article, you will get a closer look at the online gambling sector of this country.

Online gaming, including slots, table games like blackjack and roulette, poker, and bingo is regulated by the Gaming Commission of Belgium composed of a president and two representatives from each of five competent Ministries. This regulatory body also regulates betting, lotteries, and social arrangements.

Building and exploitation permits are under the regulation of local authorities.

Which Gaming Type Is Permitted or Prohibited? 

According to the Law of May 7, 1999 on games of chance, bets, gaming establishments, and the protection of players, as amended by the Law of January 10, 2010, all games of chance and bets and the exploitation of gaming establishment are prohibited if they are not licensed by the Kansspelcommissie. 

It is prohibited to offer unlicensed games, promote as well as participate in these games. 

As games of chance consist of activities relating to direct and indirect payment, commercial contests, sweepstakes, lotteries held by advertisers, private poker games and bingo games are restricted or even forbidden.

It is important to note that gambling advertisements are limited by the beginning of 2019, based on the self-regulating Section Code on Advertising for gambling activities.

Relevant Laws on Online Gambling

In Belgium, online gambling is restricted in the sense that a Belgium license is required. However, applicants can acquire a license if they can link their online gambling to a land-based establishment that holding a Belgium license. 

Licenses approved and audited by foreign jurisdictions are not recognized in this country.

Enforcement and Liability

In Belgium, only gambling offerings that are supplied on a regular basis are legal. Unregulated supplies are strictly forbidden. This leads to the "blacklist" that the gaming commission updates regularly. This blacklist contains about 100 providers that are blocked due to the lack of the necessary license.

In terms of gambling debts, only those towards licensed operators are considered enforceable.

Anticipated Reforms

Almost all advertising for games of chance as of June 1, 2019 is forbidden, according to a Royal Decree of October 25, 2018. In addition, there may be an expansion of possibilities for local authorities to control betting and cafe games.

Advertising of games of chance will be prohibited, including the following measures:

  • No gambling advertisement may be broadcast during an interruption of a game, race, or contest
  • 15 minutes before and after programs that specially address children and minors is not allowed to broadcast advertising games of chance
  • only one spot for gambling can be shown per advertising block, etc.

An important reform is all devices that are equipped with an E-ID card reader to check the age condition of 18 years. 

Underage gambling is also prevented thanks to age checks on ID cards mandatory by Royal Decrees.

The Last Thought

If you stop at this part, we guess that our article has created valuable information about the gambling laws in Belgium, at least. We hope that this article has summarized what you are looking for, especially if you are a Belgium player or a gambling affiliate. 

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Billie Noble
Last updated: 30 December 2022